Caig Deoxit Shield S100L 100% 2mL tube


Shield Front

Maintains new system performance
for severe environments


Product Description:
Contact lubricant and protectant for metal surfaces. Oxidation and
corrosion deterent. Improves conductivity, maintains optimum signal
quality. DeoxIT® Shield also reduces wear and abrasion, arcing,
RFI and intermittent connections and improves connector
performance/reliability. Ideal for severe environments. On oxidised
surfaces, pre-treat with DeoxIT® D-Series D100 contact cleaner (see my other items).

100% Liquid, Safe on plastics.
DeoxIT® Shield S100L concentrate has 0.0% chemical cleaning action.
Ideal for severe environments (humidity, salts, pollutants, sulfur, etc).
Excellent protection, good conductivity enhancing, excellent lubrication.
Creates a long lasting barrier against oxidation and corrosion.
No ozone depletion.
Reduces intermittent connections, arcing, RFI, wear and abrasion.
Improves Conductivity.
Temperature Range, -34 C to +210 C.
DeoxIT® S100L Squeeze Tube, 100% solution, 2 ml.
(Applications = 50 +/- drops, 0.04 ml/drop).



Directions for Use:

Turn off and unplug device.

On surfaces that have been in service or have visual signs of oxidation or corrosion pre-treat with D100 (see my other items).

Apply a drop amount to contact/connector surface.

Operate the part/device to help distribute the S100.

Re-apply a drop to metal surfaces and wipe off excess. It is important to wipe excess, with a lint-free swab or cloth as only a thin coating is required on surfaces.

Wait 2 mins before turning equipment on.

Shield FrontShield Back
